Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Road Trip!

Last Friday, Cim and I traveled with his parents to Arizona to attend the sealing of his brother Durango to his wife America and little boy Logan. We left early Friday morning and came back early Monday morning. It was a fun little vacation that we wish could have lasted longer! Here are some pictures from our trip!

The Colorado River

The Arizona Temple

A Few Neugebauers


Lots of Cacti?

Carli and Cim by the Cacti

Logan turned away from the camera right as Cim took this picture...
its still cute if you ask me :)

The Logan Face

Logan was crying... then Cim put him on his shoulders and
everything was fine

Oma & Opa

This Indian woman was selling jewelry... she didn't speak
any English so a lady translated for her
Cim took this picture without asking
I don't know if she knows he was taking it...
I love this picture!